Eggplant .. Tasty taste and 8 amazing benefits will make you eat daily
Eggplant .. Tasty taste and 8 amazing benefits will make you eat daily
In its dark purple color, eggplant has many beneficial nutrients to the body, making it an amazing food treasure.
Eggplant contains a rare type of antioxidant known as "Nasonin", which is characterized by its many benefits of health, as it is a powerful antioxidant capable of neutralizing the free radicals that cause the destruction of living cells and tissues.
The "nassonin" is the one that gives the eggplant its dark violet color, which protects it from any damage that may affect it from the surrounding environment, especially the sun. Nassonin is also found in red cabbage and red kelp, but eggplant is the richest of nassonin than any other food ingredient.
As for the benefits of eating eggplant, they are many and amazing, including the following:
Eggplant resists inflammation (thanks to "nasonine"), and it also extracts toxic metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead.
Protects DNA and cell membranes:
Eggplant protects the fatty layer of the cell membrane, providing adequate protection for the cell to protect it from death or exposure to any changes.
Good for brain health:
The nassonin, which is found in eggplant, helps maintain the membranes of the brain's fatty cells, thus helping to maintain brain health.
Helps to benefit from food and waste disposal:
Nasonin helps the body's cells to benefit from beneficial nutrients in food and waste disposal. Waste disposal keeps the body from accumulating toxins and thus protects it from many diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
Helps the body absorb the iron:
Studies have shown that eggplant helps the body to absorb iron easily and easily, which helps in the process of transmission of oxygen in the blood and strengthen the immune system of the body.
Helps patients with type 2 diabetes:
Studies have found that eggplant helps control the level of glucose in the blood, which benefits people with type 2 diabetes.
Regulates blood pressure:
Studies have also shown that eating eggplant periodically regulates blood pressure and prevents high levels from the safe limit.
Helps in weight loss:
Eggplant is rich in body nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is low in calories, as one cup of eggplant contains only 35 calories. Nutrition experts advise eating eggplant cooked or grilled better than eating on its raw body.
To make sure eggplants are best served, experts recommend selecting a cohesive, glossy, smooth fruit. It is best to keep the eggplant in the refrigerator without cutting, and it is not recommended to pack eggplant egg with nylon, but prefer to keep it exposed and without washing until the cooking time. It is also preferred when slicing eggplant using a knife of stainless steel and not of carbon, as the latter will lose its useful nutrients.
Add some salt to the eggplant after slicing into slices and leave it for about 30 minutes, as it does not enjoy the absorption of fat in the case of frying.
Eggplant .. Tasty taste and 8 amazing benefits will make you eat daily
Reviewed by Unknown
January 02, 2018

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